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NMC OSCE: How to Book OSCE Exam Online

How to Book OSCE Exam Online

What is NMC OSCE?

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an important assessment tool in medical education that evaluates the clinical competence of healthcare professionals. OSCE takes a hands-on approach, with candidates moving through a number of stations, each presenting a distinct clinical situation. This format not only assesses knowledge but also highlights critical skills such as patient communication, problem-solving, and practical applications. By simulating real-life interactions, the OSCE provides a structured and objective way to measure readiness for clinical practice, making it an integral part of training for aspiring healthcare providers.

How to Book OSCE Exam Online?

Booking your OSCE exam might be confusing to a lot of you. Following step-by-step process to book your OSCE exam given below will no more make you confused. Let’s go through the process step by step:

  • The very first step is to go to NMC (nursing and midwifrey council) website.
  • After you visit the website, scroll down to universities names.
  • Now after you find the 5 test centers names where you can give your OSCE, you will need to find
    the right test center, which is closer to you.

    There are five approved OSCE test providers:
    1. Oxford Brookes University
    2. University of Northampton
    3. Ulster University
    4. Northumbria University
    5. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Select the specific one test center you would like to book your OSCE from.

  • Once you decide, you need to go to the university website that you have chosen to book
    your OSCE exam. For example, search for “university of Northampton book OSCE exam”.
  • After you go to university’s website on booking your exam, you will be asked to fill up your
    preferred OSCE stations exam and preferred date.
  • Once you put your preferred exam and date, now it will lead you to another screen where
    you will find the available time and exam fees, with how many space are available.
  • Next step is, you need to select your preferred time. NOTE: See the given time carefully
    before you confirm. Make sure the timings are suitable for you. Then, click “book exam”.
  • Once you click on “book exam”, you will be asked to pay the given amount. Note: save your
    payment confirmation for future reference.
  • Another step is to pay the amount and click “checkout”.
  • After you pay the given amount and book your OSCE, don’t forget to check your email for

The email should have the detail: exam date, time, location, and any further instructions.

Note: make sure to go through the guidelines and understand it clearly. Also, make sure all the details mentioned in
email is correct.

OSCE Exam Fee: £794. Reduced resit fee is £397 (if you need to resit 7 or fewer stations).



By following the above steps carefully, you will be able to book OSCE exam without any difficulty. However, if you face any problems or have questions during the process, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Medax OSCE Academy is always ready to guide and support you through the right path.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is NMC UK OSCE exam?


What to wear for an OSCE exam?

You should wear a clinical dress, tunic, or polo shirt paired with smart trousers or scrubs.

How long is the OSCE exam?

The exam will be approximately three and a half hours.

What happens if I fail my OSCE?

You will have to wait for 6 months and then apply for re-registration with NMC.

How many questions are on the OSCE?

There are 200 questions: 50 standard multiple choice questions (single answer ) and 150 case-based questions.


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